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XperSutie for DB2
XpertMon for DB2 LUW
XpertMon Admin for DB2 z/OS
Open Knowledge Viewer
IBM IM Products
XpertMon for DB2 LUW
XpertMon for DB2 LUW is a strong DB2 performance management tool that ITEG developed and performance management methodology is reflected in it faithfully. Since ITEG developed it with abundant experiences and high level technology, this product is evolving continuously applying a new concept and methodology.
XpertMon Admin for DB2 z/OS
XpertMon Admin for DB2 z/OS is made for DB that is used at mainframe environment and performance management. This product offers efficient DB management plan and help to find a problem of performance quickly and tune.
Open Knowledge Viewer
Open Knowledge Viewer helps to implement information visualization solution and to understand huge amounts of data instinctively using visualization model. This product takes a decisive role in quick decision-making skills because it can help to understand a relationship between data in information management system.
IBM IM Products
IBM's Information Management product line in ITEG has products with various functions in category of diverse fields from backup and recovery of valuable data to performance management.